Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Comparing Myself: A Resolve

I call this my "Peter Pan Pose". . . 20 pounds ago.

Fact: I have gained 20 pounds since moving to the East Coast. 

Fact: I have dealt with way more stressors than I anticipated. It is kind of off the charts.

Fact: I spend too much time reading online celebrity gossip. 

Fact: I also spend too much time on facebook.

I saw a post on comparing yourself to others on A Blog About Love. Mara, the author, left a comment on the post that stated that "the things we envy usually would require a MAJOR helps so much to remember that & then decide if we still feel envious." So true. I wish I looked and sang like Carrie Underwood, but holy cow. She has tabloids, paparazzi, music industry managers, publicists, agents, trainers, and crazy, obsessed fans to deal with. I just have my crazy family.

Resolve: Stop comparing myself to others and embrace all that I've been blessed to have.

Fact: I'm still going to document my daily dealings with infertility, but I'm not going to wish away this life as much. I've got it good.

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